TuffRider Dog Thermo Manager Blanket Review
For Christmas 2012 mom found us one heck of a deal. Horseloverz.com had a deal on doggie blankets, they were just $5 so Mom figured why not, for $5 they could always be used to wipe paws. Guess what, We love these! They are nice quilted blankets that are fast and easy to put on when its cold outside. Although they are not waterproof we will slip them on if it is drizzling or there is a freak snow storm out just to keep warm. Trey loves his so much Mom doesn’t bother to un-velcro the front-chest, she just holds his blanket by the back end so the neck hole is at his level and he runs at it, sticks his head through the hole and Mom just drops the blanket on them. When he finally stops, she velcros the chest (straps that go under) and he is out the door. Now I am not that excited, but I will admit I stand in line for mine on those freezing mornings (I am such a California girl).
Fast & easy to get on
Keeps a dobie warm during Northern California winters.
Not waterproof, but I didn’t expect it to be.
Yes especially if you can find them on sale again. Right now they are $16, which is still a really good deal, but if they ever have them for $5 again (was actually $10 BOGO), we are getting more!
Just in case the link breaks here is the info, we both got a size XL
TuffRider Dog Thermo Manager